Tuesday 21 February 2017

Get to Know Me

This is my 'get to know me' tag which I think is great way for you guys to find out more about me and who I am.

1 - Full name - Evelyn Grace Harris

2 - Age - 19

3 - Employment - Product Design student at Brunel University London

4 - Current Relationship Status - I've been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years now

5 - Zodiac Sign - Taurus (Aries if you look at the updated one)

6 - Favourite Songs - Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root is my all time favourite feel good song, but I tend to go through periods of obsessing over certain artists or songs for a while until I find something new.

7 - Any Piercings or Tattoos? I have 5 piercings in one ear and 4 in the other. I also have 3 professional tattoos and 5 stick and poke tattoos.

8 - Hair Colour - Blue!

9 - Celebrity Crush(es) - Angelina Jolie, Craig Roberts and Michelle Rodriguez.

10 - Hobbies - Binge watching TV shows on Netflix, singing and making things.

11 - What I want to be when I'm older - Happy! I know it's cliché but I really do believe that if you're happy why would you need anything else?

12 - Something I fear - Falling, not heights just falling.

13 - 3 Things that make me happy - My boyfriend, music and dogs.

14 - Pet Peeve - People who take up the whole pavement but walk really slow.

15 - Bad Habits - Picking the skin by my fingernails, overthinking about things

16 - Favourite Clothes Store - I'm definitely more of a high-street than high-end kind of gal. I mostly shop in H&M and New Look as they're more in my price range, but recently I've been really liking some pieces in Topshop.

17 - Where do I want to travel to? Everywhere! I want to explore more countries outside of Europe as although I love it, most of my holidays have been in Europe and I want to see more of the world.

18 - What I want right now - Food, a nap and a puppy.

19 - Favourite Youtubers - There are a few I have been watching for a long time and really love. These are Samantha Maria, Helen Anderson, Kiera Rose and Savannah Brown.

20 - Something I want to change about myself - My confidence. I often don't wear the clothes I want to or do things I want to because I don't have the confidence to and it really frustrates me but it is something I'm trying to work on.

21 - Favourite Sport - I don't really play any sports but I love watching rugby.

22 - Where have I lived before? Rochester in America for 1.5 years, but apart from that I've lived in the same house in a small town in Bedfordshire.

23 - My worst personality trait - Overthinking.

24 - What's my poison? Jack Daniel's Honey whiskey or a sweet flavoured cider.

25 - Random fact about myself - I have some freckles on my left forearm that are in the form of the big dipper star constellation.

I tag all of you reading this to at least answer the questions in your head. If you do decide to complete it and post it, then please link it in the comments as I'd love to get to know you too!


  1. Hey we have some things in common! Age, peeve and personality trait being the major ones! Glad I'm not the only one who hates people walking slowly, it's even worse when you're cycling and can't overtake another cyclist!

    The Frugal Teen | http://thefrugalteen.wixsite.com/thefrugalteen

    1. Aw lovely to know there's someone out there who agrees!
