Saturday 4 March 2017

My Curent Favourite Skincare Products

My skin has never been that great. I have combination to sensitive skin and I've have issues with skin picking for a long time. This mainly affects my fingers but I've also had problems with picking at spots and scabs on my face, causing worse scabs and even some scarring. Anything that helps my skin, I'm a fan of. These are the products I've been loving for the past few months and have been doing my skin some good. I'll link all the items beneath their description so you can try them out if you want to. Most of the skin care and beauty products I buy are drugstore as I'm a big fan of finding products that work without the big price tag.

First is the Garnier Skin Active Micellar Oil Infused Cleansing Water. The original Garnier micellar water has been quite popular with beauty guru's over the last year and I completely understand why. I started off with the original but then switched to the oil infused version to see if it would help hydrate my skin a bit more and boy oh boy it did. This water is so gentle on my skin and is really easy to use. Just shake the bottle, pour some onto a cotton pad and then wipe away your make up. It does take a few goes to completely remove the make up but I much prefer it to wet wipes. It is fine around my eyes but I tend to use make up wipes to remove my mascara just because its take a bit longer to get rid of with the cleansing water and I'm too impatient. This product is available in most drugstores in the UK and I personally bought mine from Boots for £3.99.

Now this is a real skin saver. This is Eau Thermale Avene Cleanance Expert and I bought it as part of a 3 piece set. I use this before I go to bed and I always wake up with incredibly smooth skin that also looks clearer and more radiant with fewer red marks. It's a product that really feels luxurious. If you put on a little more than it says, its acts similar to a moisturiser, which I do from time to time when my skin is really in need. The gift set was initially £20 but I bought it when it was on sale for £15 from look fantastic.

This is the second product from the gift set and its the Thermal Spring Water spray. Its a very light and gentle spray used to help calm the skin. Its great for when my skin needs a little pick me up, especially when I'm traveling or working, which is why I keep it on my desk. I'm really looking forward to using it the summer to cool my face down when it gets hot out and to help keep my skin hydrated throughout the day. On the package it also says that it can be used to help soothe sunburn, razor burn and its even gentle enough to help diaper rashes.

This is the final product of the trilogy, the Cleanance Cleansing Gel. I use this everyday in the shower after using a scrub and it helps clear off any remaining dirt on my face and leaves it feeling squeaky clean and smooth. Ones of the things I love about this product is that a little goes a long way and I really do mean a little. You only need half a pea size and it easily creates enough lather to cover my entire face and neck. Its a fairly small bottle but considering I've used it everyday since around October and I'm only now coming to halfway through the bottle, I think the sizing is quite good.

This is the Soap & Glory 'Dr Spot' and its the first spot treatment I've found that works for me and is at a reasonable price. This is a clear gel that you simply dab onto a spot and over a few hours it will reduce inflammatory and help the spot go away faster. I usually put it on any spots before going to bed so it works while I sleep and it really helps me because if I can get rid of the spot early on, I'm less likely to pick at it later. I bought mine from boots for £8 and its another product where a little goes a long way, I've been using it for a couple months and the tube looks barely used.

Now this is a product I've actually been using for a couple years. Its the Mask of Magnanimity from Lush, meaning that it is also cruelty free and Vegetarian friendly. I have spot prone and sometimes oily skin so this mask is perfect for me. Although it's a mask, its also exfoliating so I sometimes use it in the shower as a scrub and then leave it on while I shave my legs and wash etc. and then rinse it off at the end. Because of the mint it contains it smells really great and its also cooling on my skin, which I love. There is both a self-preserving and a non self-preserving version of this mask, I personally get the self-preserving one so that I can keep it in my shower ready to use rather that in a fridge. I usually buy mine in store (partially so I can look at and smell all the other goodies) but you can also order it online for £6.50 for the 125g pot that I have above. When I used to use this almost everyday I would buy the next size up, 315g for £11.50.

So this is a mask I use for when I feel like I really need to get all the crap out of my skin. Its a 3 clay and active charcoal detox mask from L'Oréal. The mask feels quite tightening as its drying and I love seeing the colour change from a dark to light grey. It leaves my skin feeling really smooth and looking a lot clearer, but it can be quite drying so I tend to follow it with a moisturiser. The mask is usually £7.99 but its currently on sale for £5.99 from boots, however mine was actually bought as a gift from my mum when I started university.

This is my everyday exfoliating face scrub which I use in the shower before the cleansing gel. It contains active charcoal and is meant to 'target spots and blackheads'. I love the exfoliating bits in this scrub are a little larger that some of the fine scrubs you can get because it feels like its really getting into my pores and getting everything out. The Garnier Skin Active Intensive range is fantastic for spot prone skin and I've rebought this scrub a couple times. This scrub also contains blueberry extract and 2% salicylic acid, which is what helps attack the spots. What initially attracted me to this scrub is that it is meant to help reduce marks, an issue I really struggle with, and I do think this scrub does that a bit, but not as much as I wish it did. I bought mine on sale in Asda last time but its currently cheaper in Superdrug for £3.29 instead of £4.99.

I hope you enjoyed finding out what products helps my skin and I'd love to hear what helps you guys and if you have any recommendations in the comments below.

Until next time!

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