Thursday 27 July 2017

Life Update

Let's be honest, I've been missing from the blogging scene for a good few if not several months. At first this was so that I could focus on revision for my first year exams at University, but after I finished, I just couldn't seem to get back into it. I went from writing a post once or twice a week, to really struggling to think of anything to post that wasn't the simple and easy subscription box review (although I will still be doing these too!).

So what have I been up to? Well, I've successfully survived my first year of university and passed all my exams (yay!), I've seen my boyfriend play a lot more gigs with his band The Cardinal Kings and I got to photograph them at a couple of festivals too. I had a weekend away in London with my best friend who I hadn't seen in over 6 months, I changed my hair colour (yet again) and I visited my brother and his girlfriend who live in the Isle of Wight and have just bought their first house together!

I must admit that I really missed blogging and just writing in general. Although it might seem like I've been busy, in general I wasn't actually up to much any more as I wasn't in University or working, so I often found myself stuck in my own head, which is not a good thing for me at all. I decided that enough was enough and I needed to really get on with the things I had planned to do over my summer break.

Firstly, I really needed to change up my routine that I had gotten into of staying up until 4am watching Netflix and not getting up until early afternoon. I started planning out projects I wanted to do and began sorting out the giant mess that is my room. You know what they say, tidy room, tidy mind. Although I haven't actually finished sorting out my room, (there's still a lot that needs doing for it to be fully tidy, eek!) I have made some progress which has helped me feel a lot better. I went through my entire wardrobe and tried to be strict with myself about what I should and shouldn't keep, some of which I'm selling on my Depop at @evelyngrace24. This was a big thing for me in general because I am very much the type of person who likes to keep things because I might need it again or because I have a specific memory that goes with it. I also moved around some of my decoration pieces and purchased some new storage items so that I could actually put away all of my stuff and be organised for once!

I'm still not exactly where I want to be but I'm gradually achieving little steps to help me sort out my life and become more like the person I want to be. I still have a long way to go in terms of both my mental state and the state of the environment around me, but that's okay. I've never been the kind of person to get a lot done in one day so it would be super unrealistic of me to think I could get everything sorted in a few days.

There are so many things I want to do before I return to University in September and I really want to push myself to actually do it all. I want to finish the projects I planned out/started, I want to read more books, I want to draw more, I want to leave my house to do something more than just to go to my boyfriend's house or the shops. I want to challenge myself once in a while, whether that be singing in an open mic (I have bad stage fright!) or trying to be able to jog without feeling like I'm dying by September. I want to do these things and to be perfectly honest I NEED to challenge myself to do more than just sit around all day thinking about doing these things.

Well that's about it for my mini life update/open pep talk to myself. You can expect to be seeing more from me as I shall hopefully be posting more frequently again and I give you permission to nag at me if I don't!

Until next time,
Evelyn Grace

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